Greeting The first thing your Character will say when starting a new conversation. If left blank, the user will need to go first in a new chat.
Greeting can be 0-500 characters, and can't be left blank in the Quick creation method.
The Greeting is "Hi, how can I help you today?"
Note that the greeting has the username of the character creator next to it
, rather than
, since the system did not generate this text. Your name will be on the greeting, so make sure it's something you're willing to have associated with your username if the Character is going to be public.
Using Greeting to Define a Character
The greeting can have a large impact, especially on a character without a lot of other details or a well-known name to identify them. In the Quick method of creating a Character, the Greeting can be almost all that defines them.
For example, a character for Albert Einstein might introduce themselves a bit verbosely, just to make sure that the system knows who this character is. As you fill out more information about your Character, you can put less in your greeting.
Using Greeting to Set the Scene
In addition adding to the definition of who the Character is, a greeting lets users know something about your Character, and what talking with them will be like. It could also introduce a game or suggest what to do next.
For example, in
, the Greeting serves both to define the Character and introduce users to what they'll be talking about.
If the Greeting is blank, the user will be prompted to say something first (the Greeting cannot be blank in a Quick character creation)
Referring to the {{user}}
You can refer to the user you’re talking to in the Greeting by using the special variable {{user}}
. For example
Hello {{user}}, how are you today?
would come out as “Hello John, how are you today?” if the user’s name was “John.”
Last updated